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5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Our in-person Murder Mystery Scavenger Hunts are a great way to socialize with other members of the group as you work together to solve a mystery. Y0u will also get to learn fun & interesting historical information about the area! The event will start and end at the Playwright Irish Pub where you can eat and drink.
How it works:
-Meet at the Playwright on 35th Street between 5th & 6th Avenues for registration.
-If you don’t have a team, we will put you with other fun people in teams of 4-5.
-Once you are on a team you will receive a sheet retracing the victim’s steps that day. You will go out into the neighborhood to find clues and facts that will help you solve the case. Along the way you will also learn a little NYC history!
-Each group will have 90 minutes to find as many clues as possible and solve the case. You will return to the Playwright for more socializing, food and drink while we tally up the scores.
The Story
Sammy Social is a member of several social groups in the city. One particular day, Sammy attended several events, met with friends and toured some historic sites near Herald Square. By the end of the night, Sammy met a horrible fate and the police need your help to solve this case! Join us for this fun day where you will join with other members of our group to set out on a mission to find clues to solve Sammy’s case. Along the way you will learn amazing bits and pieces of NYC history that you probably never knew. The best part is that at the end of the hunt you can socialize with all the teams to talk about your adventure!
Cost: $30 General members / $20 Lifetime VIP members
What will we be looking for? You will be directed to several historic sights and places from Penn Station to 5th Avenue, 32nd Street to 35th Street. You will need to give us details on what you see and find. It is actually pretty easy and fun!
Recommended ages: 21+. The main demographic will be 30s and 40s but there will be many 20s and even 50s so those folks will feel right at home.
Can I come alone? Yes, most guests do! It’s a great way to meet new people.
Dress: Casual
Questions? Email Dave Cervini at or call 212.873.2256, M-F 10am to 4pm.
Nonrefundable unless canceled.
Illness Protocols/Refunds
This event is nonrefundable unless canceled. If you have tested positive for Covid or are sick with any ailment that prohibits you from attending, we will do our best to provide you with credits for select future events with a copy of your positive test results or doctor’s note. Credits may or may not equal the cost of the event missed and may only be applied to events selected by NYSN.
Looking for more mysteries and hunts? Click here.
Venue: Playwright Irish Pub West 35th