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12/31/2021 - 01/01/2022
10:00 pm - 12:30 am
With all the Covid craziness happening we have decided to add an online New Years Eve Party option to our list! The night will feature friendly conversations, New Year’s Resolutions and a few easy and fun games to play in teams or as individuals.
This event will be hosted on Gather (NOT ZOOM) which is compatible with all search engines. It is a virtual world that we will be having our party where you can walk in and out of different rooms, play games, have private conversations or participate in larger organized activities.
Check out how Gather works here:
How it works:
- Log in and we will send you the codes for our party.
- Once in our staff will be there to welcome you and introduce you to others in the group.
- We are limiting participation to 30 people so you won’t get lost in the crowd.
- During the evening we will facilitate conversations and several times during the evening toss in a fun game for all to play or watch against each other or in teams.
- There is a game room, a trivia room, an ice breaker room, social lounge and more!
- At midnight you will be able to watch the festivities from Times Square in a special lounge room we have created!
$20 General Members / $15 Lifetime VIP Members.
What do I need?
A device with a camera and microphone.
How do I participate?
When you register we will send you a code to join the meeting and all the information you will need to participate.
Can I attend alone?
Right now 99.9% of those participating attend alone.
What if I have a roommate, friend, family member or significant other with me that wants to participate too? each ticket is good for as many people in your home.
How many are expected?
Limited to 30 people.
Who participates in these?
The demographics of our online events are varied unless we have specific criteria listed. For the most part, there are all ages and ethnicities. Realistically, this should not matter to you. If there is an event that you would like to do, then do it! It is totally different than physically being stuck at something you are not enjoying. You can “click out” at any time. If you are unhappy with the experience we will refund your fee.
If you have questions regarding; how many are registered, gender balance, or ages of those registered, email or call 212-873-2256. We are committed to making sure that the event your register for is going to be great and you get exactly what you expected!
Dress Code:
Pajamas & t-shirts are acceptable (just, please be wearing clothes!). Feel free to wear cocktail attire!
Refund Policy
This event is non-refundable unless canceled or rescheduled.