NY Philharmonic Concert On Great Lawn in Central Park

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  • 06/12/2024
    6:00 pm - 10:30 pm

Join us as we enjoy one of the most amazing New York experiences as the NY Philharmonic performs under the stars on the Great Lawn. Our staff will get to the park early in the morning to reserve a place for our group so all you have to do is show up and enjoy the performance from a great vantage point.  We have room for 30 people in an area that is as close to the stage as the general public can sit.  Our hosts will be on hand to welcome you, introduce you to others and keep you socializing before the concert. It is a fun way to get out and socialize with others in the group and see one of the most renowned orchestras in the world!
Here’s the deal:

-Over 250,000 people converge on the lawn during the day to secure the best space available.  The best spaces are usually taken by 3pm!  Our staff will arrive at 10am to reserve the best spot that the general public can get closest to the stage for you to enjoy the show without you having to sit there all day!

-You are invited to arrive any time after 6pm for socializing. We will give specific directions to find us.

-We will have a large area set aside for our group.  You will be sitting on blankets.

-Spaces on our blanket are first come first served.

Cost:  $25 General Members /  $20 Lifetime VIP Members.  Includes: compensation for our staff to get there to reserve the space early in the day and host the pre-concert socializing plus cost of ground covering.

Please note that you can bring your own food and drinks to the concert.  We will not be providing any this year.  There are dozens of cafes, bodegas and wine shops along Columbus Ave. where you can pick up items. There are porta pottys only in the park.

This event is free to the public so why am I paying for it? For this event people start arriving at 10am to get the best places to watch.  We make it easy for you to attend by having our staff go to the park early in the morning to reserve a great space.  If you wish to go to the event on your own (not with our group) we recommend that you get there no later than 1pm if you want to sit in a space where you have a chance to see the stage or you can just show up at 6pm and have the best seat you can get already waiting for you.
Where will we be sitting?  The photograph in the heading of this event is a fair representation of where we will be in relation to the stage.  We will have the closest space that the general public can get to the stage.  There is an area between us and the stage that is reserved for members of the NY Philharmonic that is not accessible to the general public.

Can I come alone?  Yes. 98% of those attending will likely register on their own, but you are invited to bring as many guests as you like–just be sure to register for that amount.

Dress Code:  Most people come from work so business casual or casual.  Dress for the weather.  You will be sitting on blankets.

How will I find the group?  We will send you a confirmation email with exact locations, contact info and names of those who are hosting the event.

How long does it last?  The performance usually goes until 10:30pm with fireworks afterwards.

What if It Rains?  If the concert is on then our event is on! If it rains we will keep you updated but you should be prepared for the weather.  If the concert is canceled you can use the fee towards other events of get a refund.

Questions?  Contact Dave Cervini at dave@newyorksocialnetwork.com or call 212-873-2256 M-F 10am-4pm


Illness Protocols/Refunds
This event is nonrefundable unless canceled.  If you have tested positive for Covid or are sick with any ailment  that prohibits you from attending, we will do our best to provide you with credits for select future events with a copy of your positive test results or doctor’s note. Credits may or may not equal the cost of the event missed and may only be applied to events selected by NYSN.


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