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Before you can reserve a spot, you must be a NYSN member. If you are a returning user please Sign in. New users please Sign up.
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
What do I need? A device with a camera and microphone.
How do I participate? When you register we will send you a code to join or Zoom meeting and all the information you will need to participate.
Can I attend alone? Yes, most guests do! It’s a great way to meet new people.
What if I have a roommate, friend, family member or significant other with me that wants to participate too? We ask that you pay for each person that is participating.
Recommended ages: 21+. The main demographic will be 30s and 40s but there will be many 20s and even 50s so those folks will feel right at home.
Questions? Email Dave Cervini at or call 212.873.2256, M-F 10am to 4pm.
Nonrefundable unless canceled.
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