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8:30 pm - 10:00 pm
An fun online Scavenger Hunt with a mysterious twist! You will be teamed up with other members and friends to try and help solve the mystery through collaboration and online searches.
How it works:
- Register below and we will send you a code to join our Zoom meeting.
- Have a pen and paper on hand as you may need to take notes and jot down clues.
- You will be given a list of clues as the game progresses that you will need to research and investigate both online and with other participants.
- The team that has the most points from figuring out the clues wins!
- We’ll have time to socialize before during and after the event.
The Story:
Yuki and Antonio are members of The New York Social Network who met at one of their events and plan to get married. The trouble is that Yukki’s ex boyfriend (Billy) is not ready to let her go and plus he gave her a very expensive pendant and he wants it back!. He will go to the ends of the Earth to stop the wedding and to get his gift back!
Follow the story of Yukki and Antonio as they travel the world to try and outsmart Billy while trying to tie the knot. You will be teamed up with other members of the group and given clues to find the famous places they run to and the things they did. In the end you will need to solve the mystery of what finally happens to Billy and the pendant.
Cost: $20 General members / $15 VIP members
What do I need?
A device with a camera and microphone.
How do I participate?
When you register we will send you a code to join or Zoom meeting and all the information you will need to participate.
Can I attend alone?
Right now 99.9% of those participating attend alone.
How Many are expected?
Most of our virtual events have 10 to 20 participants unless otherwise specified.
Who participates in these?
The demographics of our online events are varied unless we have a specific criteria listed. For the most part there are all ages and ethnicities. Realistically, this should not matter to you. If there is an event that you would like to do, then do it! It is totally different than physically being stuck at something you are not enjoying. You can “click out” at any time. If you are unhappy with the experience we will refund your fee.
If you have a questions as to how many, gender balance or ages of those registered for a particular event email or call 212-873-2256. We are committed to making sure that the event your register for is going to be great!
Dress Code:
Covid casual