Write Night! An Evening of Creative Expression

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  • 02/04/2022
    8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Welcome to NYSN’s first creative writing night! Tonight, we hope you’ll kick back and relax with your Moleskine (or with whatever you write!) and join us for some fun writing prompts that will help you unwind or shake away some artistic cobwebs.

We’ll present two writing prompts.

Example Prompt #1: What is a dream you’ve had that you want to live in forever?

Example Prompt #2: Write about something nice a stranger did for you.

To make this a little more engaging, we’re going to use a fun new platform, Gather.town. You get your own avatar, you control how you move and who you connect with and you can video chat as much or as little as you want.


You’ll write for 15 minutes then the digital floor will open for 15 minutes to anyone who would like to share what they wrote. We’ll do this 15/15 for each of the two prompts. Afterwards, feel free to wander around the digital world we’ve created for you and socialize. You don’t need to pen the next great American novel. This is for fun creative expression! You may feel like writing a poem—do that! No judgement and no pressure here, just write!

Want to know more about  Gather.town?  Watch this video
Cost: $5 General Admission / $1 VIP Members
What do I need?

A desktop or laptop computer with a camera and microphone. Something to write on, such as a dry erase board or pen and paper.

Tablets and Phones will prevent full participation for this event.

How do I participate?

When you register we will send you the Gather.town link  and all the information you will need to participate.

Can I attend alone?

Right now 99.9% of those participating attend alone.

What if I have a roommate, friend, family member or significant other with me that wants to participate too?

We ask that you pay for each person that is participating.

How many are expected?

Most of our virtual events have 10 to 20 participants unless otherwise specified.

Who participates in these?

The demographics of our online events are varied unless we have a specific criteria listed. For the most part there are all ages and ethnicities. Realistically, this should not matter to you.  If there is an event that you would like to do, then do it!  It is totally different than physically being stuck at something you are not enjoying. You can “click out” at any time. If you are unhappy with the experience we will refund your fee.


If you have questions regarding; how many are registered, gender balance or ages of those registered, email dave@newyorksocialnetwork.com or call 212-873-2256.  We are committed to making sure that the event your register for is going to be great and you get exactly what you expected!

Dress Code:

COVID casual.  Just keep it neat.

Refund Policy:

non-refundable unless canceled or rescheduled