Online Mystery & History Team Scavenger Hunt: The Great American Crime Spree

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  • 02/23/2021
    8:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Bobby and Lizzy were frustrated by the Covid lock downs in New York City. After both losing their jobs they have had enough of zoom meetings, quarantines and take out food so they decided to drive across America to get some fresh air and see the sights.  As they traveled they got more frustrated to see that things weren’t much different across the country. Their goal was to visit all the famous and cool things along the way but somehow their innocent adventure turned them into a modern day Bonnie and Clyde.  You can follow their travels and see how they wound up becoming outlaws.  All of the American authorities are on the look out for them and you can help!

Join us for this fun online Mystery and History Scavenger Hunt where we will set you up on teams to follow the clues to catch them.  All the clues are designed to be fun and easy to find and will also highlight some of the greatest parts of the U.S.A.

No experience necessary!

How it works:

  • Register below and we will send you the codes on how to join the group via Zoom.
  • When you log in you will be randomly put onto teams with other fun members and friends.  If you have friends that you’d like to play with just tell the host at the beginning.
  • Once the teams are set our host will describe the situation and give you the clues you will need to follow to help solve the mystery.
  • Each team will decide how to approach getting the clues.
  • At the end of the allotted time the team with the most points or that solves the mystery wins!


Cost: $15 General Members / $10 Lifetime VIP Members

What do I need?

A device with a camera and microphone. You will be logged into zoom but will need to open other windows to search the web for clues.

How do I participate?

When you register we will send you a code to join or Zoom meeting and all the information you will need to participate.

Can I attend alone?

Right now 99.9% of those participating attend alone.

How Many are expected?

Most of our virtual events have 10 to 20 participants unless otherwise specified.

Who participates in these?

The demographics of our online events are varied unless we have a specific criteria listed. For the most part there are all ages and ethnicities. Realistically, this should not matter to you.  If there is an event that you would like to do, then do it!  It is totally different than physically being stuck at something you are not enjoying. You can “click out” at any time. If you are unhappy with the experience we will refund your fee.


If you have a questions as to how many, gender balance or ages of those registered for a particular event email or call 212-873-2256.  We are committed to making sure that the event your register for is going to be great!

Dress Code:

Pajamas & t-shirts are acceptable (just, please be wearing clothes!). Also we all realize that our beards are growing and our hair looks like hell. (Besides most computer cameras are not that clear anyway)