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Before you can reserve a spot, you must be a NYSN member. If you are a returning user please Sign in. New users please Sign up.
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Since 2004 The New York Social Network has been bringing people together in thousands of ways. We have survived Covid so far because of the amazing members that we have. Some have been with us for years and others are just starting and others have registered but never been out (or online).
Join NYSN founder Dave Cervini for this special night for anyone who is new to the group or has never been out before. (long time members are invited too in case you want to share your experiences).
FYI: Dave started planning events to make friends for himself and never imagined it would turn into this!
Make a resolution to make the best of what we are going through with others who are looking for the same thing you are. Dave will talk a little about the group, why we do what we do, and what we have planned for the coming year.
What to expect:
- Register and we will send you the zoom meeting info.
- Dave will be on hand to welcome you, introduce you to others, and talk about NYSN. (don’t worry this is not a formal presentation)
- Dave will also be open to answering any questions you have or take suggestions for future events.
- The chat should last for about an hour.
90% of those signing in will be joining us for the first time so don’t feel weird. If you feel uncomfortable and just want to listen you can not turn on your video.